Selection test for Scholars Under prof. Shamnad basheer centre for first genration lawyers

The Selection Test of Scholars for the Prof. Shamnad Basheer Centre for First Generation Lawyers is a great opportunity for law students in India to showcase their thoughts and insights on the topic of "My Vision of India: Strengthening the Rule of Law" and also qualify for eight uniquely designed National level competitions.

Here are some guidelines to help you approach the essay:


All law students currently enrolled in a law school in India, from the first year and through a three or five year LLB or LLM programme, are eligible to enter this competition. 

Essay Topic:

"My Vision of India: Strengthening the Rule of Law"

Introduction: Begin your essay with a concise introduction that captures the importance of the rule of law in shaping a just and equitable society. You can briefly define the concept of the rule of law and its significance in maintaining order and fairness.

Rule of Law in Your Vision of India: In this section, delve into your perception of how the rule of law should function in an ideal India. Discuss key principles such as equality before the law, accountability, transparency, and the protection of individual rights. Explain how a society where the rule of law is upheld can lead to economic growth, social progress, and overall well-being. Use real-life examples to illustrate your points and paint a vivid picture of your vision.

Contributions Made So Far: Share instances from your academic journey where you have actively engaged in promoting the principles of the rule of law. This could include any relevant projects, activities, or initiatives you have undertaken during your time in law school. For instance, you could mention participation in moot court competitions, volunteering for legal aid clinics, conducting awareness campaigns on legal rights, or engaging in research on legal reforms. Highlight your dedication to upholding the rule of law through your actions.

Future Contributions Post-Graduation: Outline your plans for contributing to the rule of law after your graduation. Discuss how you intend to apply the knowledge and skills gained during your law studies to make a positive impact on society. Whether you plan to work in public interest litigation, advocate for legal reforms, engage in policy advocacy, or work with non-governmental organizations, emphasize your commitment to upholding and promoting the rule of law in your future endeavors.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points you've discussed in your essay and reiterate the significance of a just and equitable society built upon the rule of law. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Language and Style: Ensure your essay is well-structured and coherent. Use clear and concise language to convey your thoughts effectively. Avoid jargon and complex legal terminology that might hinder the understanding of readers who may not have a legal background. Use Times New Roman, Font size 12 and 1.5 spacing.

Proofreading: Before submitting your essay, thoroughly proofread it for grammatical errors, typos, and clarity. A well-written and error-free essay will make a stronger impression on the selection committee.

Remember, this essay is an opportunity to showcase your passion for the rule of law, your understanding of its principles, and your dedication to contributing positively to society as a legal professional. Good luck!

Note:- The authors of the shortlisted essays shall be called for an interview.

(The shortlisted essay will be published in the blog section)  

Perquisites of participation:

The selection test provides 300 slots, granting enrolled students eligibility for participation in the following exceptional competitions without any registration fee. 

Competitions -

1. ASRR Moot Court Competition:

Engage in rigorous legal argumentation and showcase your advocacy skills in a simulated courtroom setting, tackling complex legal issues. Compete against the best and stand a chance to earn recognition for your eloquence and legal acumen.

2. ASRR Trial Advocacy Competition:

Step into the shoes of a trial lawyer and present compelling arguments before a judge and jury. Hone your trial advocacy skills, build persuasive narratives, and experience the excitement of a courtroom trial.

3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Constitutional Law Quiz:

Test your knowledge of constitutional law through this intellectually stimulating quiz. Pit your legal acumen against fellow enthusiasts and demonstrate your expertise on constitutional matters.

4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Human Rights Law Quiz:

Deepen your understanding of human rights law by participating in this enlightening quiz. Showcase your commitment to human rights and engage in thought-provoking discussions on pressing global issues.

5. Clement British Parliamentary Debate:

Participate in a classic British parliamentary debate, where your ability to present compelling arguments and engage in rigorous discourse will be put to the test. Strengthen your public speaking and critical thinking skills in this competitive platform.

6. JLN Asian Parliamentary Debate:

Immerse yourself in the world of international diplomacy and public speaking as you compete in the Asian parliamentary debate format. Engage in discussions on global issues and demonstrate your prowess in persuasive communication.

7. VP Model United Nations:

Step onto the international stage and embody the role of a diplomat in the Model United Nations simulation. Advocate for policies, negotiate with fellow delegates, and contribute to shaping resolutions that address critical global challenges.

8. Blackstone Sharpe Client Counselling:

Showcase your empathy, legal analysis, and problem-solving skills as you participate in the client counselling competition. Engage in simulated interactions with clients and demonstrate your ability to provide sound legal advice.

Submission Guidelines:

The essay should be in English or in any native language, with a word limit of 1500-2500 words.

Each participant must pay an enrollment fee of INR 501/- to participate in the competition through Gpay/Phonepay/Paytm to 8688770152

The essay should be mailed to or through the post to the following address:

Chairperson, Kshitizz Office,

Opposite Rice Mill, Near Sabbavaram Junction, Visakhapatnam - 531035

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: 30th November, 2023

Results Announcement: 5th December 2023

Contact Information:

For inquiries or further information, please contact



S.B.C.F.F.G.L reserves the right to modify the competition details and dates if necessary. The essay should be the original work of the participant and not plagiarized or with the help of AI tools from any source.

The S.B.C.F.F.G.L slots may change due to logistical reasons by the core members.  Enrolled students enjoy exclusive participation in competitions without extra registration fees. We eagerly anticipate your insightful essays and look forward to your participation in the  Selection Test. 

Let your vision of India inspire positive change!

Note:-"At least one member from every team is required to be selected as a Scholar under this center during the test registration process. Additionally, test registration is mandatory for all members of each team." 

Fill in the registration form by clicking on the link
